Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hot Weather Safety Tips

• Stay indoors in air conditioning as much as possible.
• Drink plenty of water during the day – don’t wait until you are thirsty!
• Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol or large amounts of sugar.
• Limit your outdoor activity to mornings and evenings and rest often in the shade.
• Wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing, a hat, sunglasses and an SPF15 or higher sunscreen.
• Check on those who may be more at-risk from high temperatures like: happens when temperatures are much hotter and/or there is more humidity than normal. The following tips and links will help you and your loved ones stay safe during dangerous heat waves. Outdoor workers should drink between two and four cups of water every hour while working. o Infants and young children o People aged 65 or older o People with chronic medical conditions  

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