Telephone Calls: 20,378
Fire Incidents: 962
EMS Incidents: 3,139
Police Incidents: 25,975
Voice Radio Project:
-Of the 27 tower sites we will be using, we have completed the legal and financial process at 23 sites and have released the sites to Harris for their work to begin
-Cutover is scheduled for 1 January 2016 with Final System Acceptance 21 April 2016
-Construction at the Bucktown site has been completed
CAD Project:
-The County, in cooperation with the Police Chiefs Association, eliminated the CAD interface to the Warrant Administration Management Services (WAMS). The new interface with JNET will replace WAMS for querying warrant information.
-The two-way interface to Knowledge Center was approved by the Commissioners.
-A new schedule is being generated. The new agreed upon cutover date is September 2015 with final project completion estimated for May 2106.
Training Facility:
-The remaining work at the Tactical Village involves electrical, mechanical and plumbing. The Tactical Village is on track to be operational in April.
-We had a final review of the Law Enforcement Firing Range with representatives of the design group
-Last month we hosted 1,293 people at 55 events.
Southeastern Regional Task Force:
The software program that powers the ReadyNotifyPA system is being replaced by a software program call Everbridge. This system will provide greater flexibility to citizens in how and when they received alerts; integrates voice calls, texts, and email into a single system; and will provide greater reliability in the issuance and delivery of emergency alerts. The new system will be operational in June.