Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Emergency Preparedness Tip of the Day

September is National Preparedness Month.  During the month, each day we will post a "Tip of the Day" to help you and your family become better prepared for an emergency.

September 1st - Take a moment to imagine that there is an emergency, like a fire in your home, and you need to leave quickly.  What are the best escape routes from your home?  Find at least two ways out of each room.  Now, write it down -- you've got the beginning of a plan.

September 2nd - Pick a place to meet after a disaster.  Designate two meeting places.  Choose one right outside your home, in case of a sudden household emergency, such as a fire.  The second place you choose needs to be outside your neighborhood, in the event that it is not safe to stay near or return to your home.

September 3rd - Choose an emergency contact person outside your area because it may be easier to call long distance than locally after a local/regional disaster.  Take a minute now to call or email an out of town friend or family member to ask him or her to be your family's designated contact in the event of an emergency.  Be sure to share the contact's phone number with everyone in the family.  During an emergency, you can call your contact who can share with other family member where you are; how you are doing; and how to get in contact with you.

September 4th - Complete an emergency contact card and make copies for each member of your family to carry with them.  Be sure to include an out of town contact on your contact card.  It may be easier to reach someone out of town if local phone lines are out of service or overloaded.  You should also have at least one traditionally wired landline phone, as cordless or cellular phones may not work in an emergency.  Visit www.redcross.org or www.ready.gov for sample emergency contact cards.

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