Telephone calls - 22,814
Fire Incidents - 955
EMS Incidents - 3,376
Police Incidents - 34, 134
Voice Radio Project:
-Harris has completed 76% of mobile installs and 45% of control station installs. Harris will have all installation efforts completed by 30 June.
-EF Johnson decommissioning will begin after all Knox-box-equipped apparatus have their mobiles installed.
-We are 38 months (93%) into the 41 month Implementation Phase. About 97% of the project implementation tasks have been completed. So far we have spent $32,765,052 (73%) of the $45,000,000 total project budget.
New CAD System:
-All fire department response planning has been completed. The New CAD has been placed in system freeze. Mobile for Public Safety is expected to be placed in system freeze May 6.
-Installations for the Mobile Data project are ongoing. So far 424 of 655 (65%) have been installed. Network configuration is ongoing.
-CAD and Mobile Data Cutover is targeted for 23 August 2016
Public Safety Training Campus:
-Last month we hosted 2,792 people at 93 events in the Academic Building and hosted 32 training sessions in the Tactical Village
-Final construction bid for the LE Firing Range was released on 1 April. Responses are due on 18 May. DES, Facilities and Manns Woodward met with new members of the South Coatesville Borough Council to review the Firing Range design; they are excited to see this final phase completed.
SE PA Regional Task Force:
Confined space, collapse and water rescue equipment was distributed to Lionville, Fame, Longwood, Valley Forge and Berwyn Fire Companies.