Fire Incidents - 773
EMS Incidents - 3,447
Police Incidents - 25,903
Voice Radio Project:
-Of the 27 tower sites, we have completed the legal and financial process at 21 sites and have released the sites to Harris for their work to begin
-The fully-redundant Network Switching Centers, the brains of the radio system, were brought on-line and are communicating with each other at the GSC and the Forestville Tower
-Harris held two P25 System Overview training sessions for County Staff, Metropolitan Communications, ACD Telecomm, and emergency responders
New CAD System:
-Data and response stream input continues. Police have been completed.
-Responder input (Police, Fire and EMS) for Mobile Data configuration continues.
-A map update workshop was held.
Training Facility:
-Construction of buildings in the Tactical Village has been completed. Electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and gas fire prop work continues. The Tactical Village is on track to be operational in April.
Southeastern PA Regional Task Force:
-The Chester County Health Department received Medical Field Clinic Trunks. These trunks bring medical supplies and equipment into the community during a public health emergency and better equip them to serve a role when deployed to a Red Cross shelter.
-The Chester County Detectives received computer forensics software. This software better equips them to examine portable devices such as cellular telephones.