Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Directors Report for November 2013

During the month of November:
Telephone calls received: 21, 234 / 708 per day
Fire Incidents: 893
EMS Incidents: 2,911
Police Incidents: 27,649

Advanced Technology Projects:
-Rebanding:  This project is almost complete.  We are successfully operating on the rebanded channels.

-Voice Radio:  Emphasis continues on finalizing the leases for the 19 towers sites.  The Factory Acceptance Testing for the system infrastructure is planned for February 2014.

-New CAD System:  Significant progress has been made in the design of the dispatcher and mobile client graphical user interface.  Work on RadioIP, the solution to incorporate both a high speed and RDLAP connection into CAD, will begin with the signing of the amendment.

-Next Generation 911: The South East 9-1-1 group continues to work on the PEMA funded NG9-1-1 and cyber security assessment.  The goal of the assessment is to create a regional path forward to deploy NG9-1-1 related functionality.

Public Safety Training Campus:  The Tactical Village construction bids have been reviewed and submitted to Contracts Department for processing.  Construction is planned to begin in January 2014 with completion in the winter of 2015.
     We continute to work with Weston Solutions, environmental study contractor, to get the Federal funds released for the Range.
     In November, we hosted 867 people at 39 events at the Campus.

SE PA Regional Task Force:  Work continues with PEMA to fully establish Montgomery County as the agent for the Task Force.  The immediate focus is to spend the 2011 and 2012 grant monies before the July 31, 2014 deadline.

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