March 2013
18,597 Telephone Calls last month: 664 per day.
699 Fire Incidents
2,886 EMS Incidents: BLS = 1,226 ALS = 1,660
Average Fire/EMS Dispatch time of 1 minute and 17 seconds
25,425 Police Incidents
Average Police Dispatch time of 1 minute and 27 seconds
We conducted 484 formal quality reviews for telephone, radio, and emergency medical dispatch. The combined weighted average of 99% remains well above the Department objective of 90%.
Ø Re-Banding:
o We experienced delays in mobile radio installations so the project completion date has slipped from the end of December of this year to the end of February of 2014. Of the total 1,432 mobile (vehicle mounted) radios, 778 (54%) have been installed. Installation is expected to be complete by the fall of this year.
o Portable (handheld) radio distribution is essentially complete. We will hold one final training/distribution session to catch the stragglers.
o Four voice channels on the entire system have been successfully re-banded. The concern that there would be interference from these new frequencies has proved to be unfounded.
Ø Voice Radio Project:
o About 40 people attended the Kick Off meeting on 26 February.
o We will conduct monthly face-to-face meetings and monthly webinars half way through each month.
o Harris has begun the site surveys that should be complete by the middle of this month.
o On 27 Feb we had an initial meeting with the State Radio Project Office concerning the new, higher tower at White Clay Creek. They are very amenable to this idea as they also need improved coverage in the area.
o We will need emergency responder help to get municipal approval to build new towers at White Clay Creek, Ludwig’s Corner, and other yet to be identified sites.
Ø Paging: Interference is coming from North Penn School District in Montgomery County. The FCC had North Penn reduce power which did not correct the issue. The FCC is now working with North Penn to transition to a new channel. The voice degradation issue is still unexplained. ARINC has deployed site monitoring equipment to better characterize the issue. SONIK has deployed their lead engineer to Chester County to help find a solution.
Ø New Computer-Aided-Dispatch System (CADS)
Ø Data connectivity design work completed and equipment is being ordered.
Ø Updated schedule:
§ System Staging: August 2013,
§ Training November 2013,
§ Cutover January 2014,
§ System acceptance April 2014.
Training Facility:
Ø Site work at the tactical village will be complete this month. Curbing should be installed in the next week or so and work on the drafting pit should begin.
Ø Structural design for the Tactical Village is complete. Once the cash flow problem is resolved, the Facilities Department will be able to publish a bid package for construction of the Tactical Village.
Ø Last month we hosted 726 people at 12 training events and 10 meetings.
Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Task Force:
Ø Last month Task Force funded equipment delivered to Chester County emergency responders included:
o HazMat detection/reconnaissance robot,
o A building collapse/trench stabilization kit,
Six sets of self contained breathing apparatus, and three dynamic entry ballistic protection shields.