Friday, August 24, 2012

Hurricane Season is Here !!!!

Tropical Storm Issac is threatening to visit Chester County next week.  Are you prepared ??  With some planning now, may reduce the devastation of a hurricane.  Homes, businesses, public buildings, roads and power lines may be damaged by high winds and flood waters.  Roads and bridges may be washed away by flooding or blocked debris.  We all witnessed this last year with Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. 

The first thing that you need to do is be informed about the storm.  Listen to your radio and television for the projected storm path.  Once the storm has reached the Hurricane Watch level, preparation needs to begin.
A Hurricane Watch means there is a threat of hurricane conditions within 24-36 hours.  Hurricane Warning means that a hurricane is expected to strike your area within 24 hours or less with sustained winds of 74 mph or more. 

Having on hand flashlights with fresh batteries and a battery-operated radio with fresh batteries and an extra supply of batteries will be crucial to you and your family should your power go out.  Other items you might want to have on hand are a first-aid kit, non-perishable food - don't forget the non-electric can opener - bottled water and your essential medicines.  You need to be prepared to live on your own for an extended period of time.

Before the Hurricane Warning is issued you should bring in any outdoor furniture, toys or garden items.  If they can't be brought indoors, anchor these objects so that the high winds can't toss them around.

If you are in an area proned to flooding, be prepared to leave the area if officials tell you to evacuate.  Keep you family cars fueled.  Pack a bag of clothing, essential medicines, extra cash, flash lights and batteries. Make arrangements now for your pets.  Most emergency shelters will not allow pets. 

For more information on planning for a hurricane go to or or the American Red Cross at