Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Director's Monthly Report

Monthly Report for September, 2012

22,435 Telephone calls / 748 calls per day
784 Fire Incidents
3188 EMS Incidents:  BLS = 1430  ALS = 1758
30,414 Police Incidents
Comm 1 was deployed 3 times for events

      -the project has resumed following Spring and FCC approval of the $180,000 change order request to   cover the cost of continuing problems with the EF Johnson equipment
     -based on the delays associated with the change order, this original 36-month effort is now a 45-month project scheduled to complete by the end of December, 2013.

Voice Radio:
     -Background work continues on possibly refining the final scope of maintenance services.

New Fire/EMS Paging System:
     -coverage testing was successfully completed last month
     -the paging units are being distributed to the firefighters and EMTs this month
     -cutover should be completed on October 16

Public Safety  Training Campus (PSTC):
     -site work on the Tactical Village should begin this month
     -expecting a "guidance letter" from U.S. Dept. of Transportation that will outline how we can proceed with spending the $3.7million DOT Grant to begin the Range Project.
     -Since opening on Sept. 9th, we have hosted 447 people who attended 11 meetings and 18 training classes.