After the events of September 11, 2001 President George Bush issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive-8 better known as HSPD-8: National Preparedness. HSPD-8 established national initiatives that develop a common approach to preparedness. It described the way Federal departments and agencies will respond. It required the Department of Homeland Security to coordinate with other Federal departments and agencies and State, local, and tribal governments to develop a National Preparedness Goal.
On March 30, 2011 President Obama announced Presidential Policy Directive-8 (PPD-8) would replace HSPD-8. PPD-8 was designed to address the areas HSPD-8 missed, such as recovery. The “directive is aimed at strengthening the security and resilience of the United States through systematic preparation for the threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation, including acts of terrorism, cyber attacks, pandemics, and catastrophic natural disasters.” It also incorporated the concept of “Whole of Community”.
“Whole of Community” recognizes that our preparedness is a shared responsibility of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and individual citizens. As a whole we are stronger. To read more about the “Whole Community” visit:
PPD-8 also established targets:
· Within 180 days, develop and submit the national preparedness goal.
· Within 240 days, develop and submit a description of the national preparedness system
On March 30, 2012 the first annual National Preparedness Report will be delivered to the President.
Recently, Donald “Doc” Lumpkins of FEMA gave a webinar on the status of PPD-8. You can view his presentation and hear the questions that were posed of him by visiting: If you just want to see the slides, and no audio of the presentation, they are attached as a PowerPoint to this blog.
Note: If Windows Media Player gives you an error that it cannot play the presentation because it is missing the “Codec”, you can download the codec by going to Click “Install GoToMeeting Codec” and once it installs click Play in Windows Media Player.
As more information is developed on PPD-8 we will share the information with you.
Web Resources:
PPD-8 Website:
National Response Framework:
National Incident Management System toolbox:
National Disaster Recovery Framework:
National Incident Management System on-line training:
Link to Power Point Presentation: