Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Emergency Management - Looking Forward to 2012

Wondering what Emergency Management is looking towards for 2012?  Here’s a sneak peak:

In the 1st or 2nd Quarter of 2012 we will be rolling out the final credentialing system.  This has been a long time coming but will give Incident Commanders important information on the responders that are on scene.  The credentials will allow identity to be confirmed and have a trusted source of information on what that responder can do at the incident scene – like are they an EMT or a firefighter or a law enforcement officer. 

Learning Management System
We expect to launch the Learning Management System in 2012.  This system will be your “one-stop-shop” for information on the training you have completed through Chester County.  You’ll be able to replace missing certificates, register for classes, pay for classes, and get a transcript of your courses.  The courses will include emergency management training, fire, and EMS training.

Training and Exercises
In 2012 we will be bringing on board a Training & Exercise Coordinator.  This very important position will allow us to seriously focus on the Emergency Management Certification program and launch a robust exercise program.  We will begin conducting regular Emergency Operations Center exercises as well as exercises to include emergency responder organizations, private sector, and voluntary organizations.

Faith Based Outreach
We’re going to focus on strengthening our relationships with faith based organizations in the county.  The faith based community can be a valuable partner in all aspects of emergency management and they have access to a large portion of the population.

Strengthening Specialty Teams
We will continue to work with the specialty teams in the county including the technical rescue team and law enforcement teams.  We will also strengthen our animal response capability in the county.  Often, people are hesitant to leave their homes if they can’t take their pets.  We are working to ensure the public can seek safety with their pets.

Increase Preparedness Outreach Efforts
We will increase our preparedness outreach efforts including a strong National Preparedness Month campaign in September.  We will work with a number of our private sector partners to get the message out, both within the county and across the nation.  A part of this will also be Pet Preparedness Month in June.  We will also work to reformat our Community Emergency Response Team to ensure citizens have the tools and training they need to be prepared in case of an emergency.

This is just a small snippet of what Emergency Management will be working on in 2012.  Be sure to look for the Department’s Annual Report to see what we accomplished in 2011!

Bobby Kagel
Deputy Director for Emergency Management

Friday, December 9, 2011

New EMS Reporting Software

EMS Software Update
Thank you all for your patience with the EMS software project. It has been a long road with a lot of time put into it. That being said, we have some good news. The County has approved the purchase of EMS Charts for use by all agencies in the County for EMS report writing.

If you are a Current EMS Charts customer nothing needs to be done.  If you are a Current EMMA customer you need to choose between EMS Charts or another software package.  All other EMS software customers need to make a choice to either stay with the software you currently have or switch to EMS Charts.

Whatever your decision may be, please advise us before December 12th .  Once you have contacted us with your choice, we will send out the training schedule and instructions for signing up. No training can be issued until your account has been set up.

Please contact Aprille Kronmuller or at 610-344-5000 with any questions.